OATSystems' Technology - C4 Architecture
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Making Sense of Sensor Data: C4 Architecture

Real-time visibility holds tremendous promise for enhanced business performance, but only if Auto-ID and sensor information is actionable for decision-makers on the shop floor or at the dock door. As a pioneer in the RFID industry, OAT's chief scientist realized this nearly a decade ago; consequently, all OAT solutions are built on a C4 architecture specifically designed to leverage the unique capabilities of Auto-ID and sensor data. Only OAT provides the 4Cs (Capture, Context, Control and Consistency)necessary to make high volumes of sensor data relevant and actionable.

The four Cs are necessary to bring RFID and Auto-ID out of the box and into a mission-critical production environment.

C4 Architecture Principles:


  • Integrating valuable Auto-ID and sensor data into existing applications and data models, for real-time insight and further analysis
  • Aggregating data from multiple facilities, divisions and trading partners


  • Auto-ID best practices and operational processes, integrated with existing ERP, MES, WMS, MRO, POS, EAM systems, and dashboards
  • Flexible architecture and rapid tooling to handle new business processes


  • Central deployment, managing and monitoring of business rules, operational processes, data models and devices, across the enterprise


  • Data consistency for the system of record and for further analysis, across the supply chain
  • Cleansing, inferencing and normalizing high volumes of sensor data


Learn more:
Real-time Enabling Enterprise Systems
Multi-Site Deployment
Flexible Architecture

Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)