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OATSystems Professional Services Methodology

OAT's proven implementation methodology delivers RFID solutions in four key project phases: Scope and Plan, Design and Configure, Integrate and Test, and Deploy.

1. Scope and Plan
OAT Professional Services consultants formally initiate the implementation project with a series of discussions with the client to understand the business environment and requirements from the perspectives of operations, information technology, and the client's customers and suppliers. Business requirements are analyzed and mapped to OAT's software solutions. Key performance indicators (KPI) are defined to measure project success, improvement goals of client customer/supplier KPIs, and the expected value from deploying RFID within the client's logistics operations.

A detailed project plan and resource plan is tailored to the client's business requirements and presented to the client for review and approval. A project team is formally identified and gathered for a project kickoff meeting where the key milestones, deliverables, and project governance are presented.

2. Design and Configure
An OAT solution architect works with client personnel to develop detailed use cases that document the business process, production/logistics environment, product flow, integration messages, exception handling and user notification. Use cases are reviewed and approved by the client before implementation work begins. The OAT solution architect develops test scripts and criteria to test the system configuration with the client project team.

Information technology personnel are engaged to determine server, storage, and network requirements. OAT consultants assist the client in developing a hardware plan and network topology to support the RFID process.

Operations and facility personnel are engaged to plan the location of RFID hardware (e.g. readers and antennas). Solution architects plan appropriate integration with process line controls for seamless integration into the client's logistics process.

OAT systems engineers establish a development environment and configure the OAT Foundation Suite based on the approved use cases. Systems engineers under the direction of the solution architect conduct unit testing to ensure the system is performing as expected. Results of the unit tests are presented and reviewed with the client project team.

3. Integrate and Test
Achieving the appropriate level of integration between the RFID process and client ERP, WMS, and planning systems is an important aspect of a successful an OAT RFID implementation. Integration requirements are defined within the set of use cases. During this phase, client infrastructure is established to transport integration messages and data between systems. OAT systems engineers create test integration messages that are sent to client systems, and receive test messages that impact the RFID environment from these systems. End-to-end test scripts are executed, with the results documented and reviewed by the project team.

4. Deploy
The tested system is deployed at the client site. The OAT team works with the client to install software, RFID hardware, and appropriate process triggers. Complete end-to-end testing of the systems is conducted on the system with client project team members. Users are trained on the system, how to interpret user notifications, and exception handling.

The implementation project is closed with client approval of deliverables completed.

Project Management and Governance

The OAT project manager will provide overall project leadership and will manage a cross-functional team consisted of OAT and client business, operational, and information technology resources.

Overall responsibilities include development and maintenance of overall project and resource plan, ongoing issues log, weekly status reports, project plan updates and facilitation of key project-related meetings.