Putting RFID to Work
"OAT stands out for its experience in component tracking, work-in-process and part marking in A&D, along with the integration expertise needed to enrich enterprise systems with real-time data. We're very confident in the OAT solution's ability to meet our needs both for ATA 2000 and in streamlining our internal operations." - Everett DeGraaf, Technology Team Leader, Parker Hannifin |
O ptimize your business processes
A dapt OAT’s solutions and use cases to meet your business’ specific needs
T ransform RFID data into value to get you the maximum results quickly
Holistic approach to deliver the whole solution
To put RFID to work requires a holistic approach to bring all the elements of the whole solution together. With over 200 deployments, OAT's professional services personnel have more experience than any other vendor in developing and deploying RFID-enabled solutions.
OAT brings the key elements of the whole solution together
to put RFID to work for your organization
to put RFID to work for your organization

OAT’s system engineers bring a combination of expertise in all the above areas to implement a whole solution. This holistic approach recognizes that missing any of the above elements results in a suboptimal results and a missed opportunity to get the maximum value from RFID-enabled solutions. As such, OAT’s experts focus on delivering value in each of these critical areas:
Software: OAT has developed software to meet the unique needs of the retail, consumer products, and industrial markets. These packaged solutions incorporate proven business scenarios, enabling you to deploy them in less time, with less risk and less cost. Furthermore, OAT’s professional staff will adapt, configure, install and test its solutions to meet your specific requirements.
Hardware: OAT’s engineers will analyze your business requirements to determine the optimal configuration of RFID readers, topology and servers.
Integration: OAT recognizes that a significant share of the value of RFID-enabled solutions lies in their integration with other key systems such as your EPR, WMS and PIM systems. Its engineers will work with your technical staff to ensure you get the most value from integrating these solutions.
Domain Expertise: OAT’s staff brings extensive experience and expertise in the retail, consumer products and industrial markets. Its solutions focus on meeting critical needs in these markets and its staff brings a deep understanding of the requirements and challenges each of these business areas have.
Execution: Even the best systems fail to produce the expected value without good execution. OAT’s professional staff will work with your organization to implement the business processes and procedures to ensure you obtain the maximum value from your investment.